Ekwan Attorney For Kanye West

If you’ve been following Kanye West’s personal life, you may have heard about his legal battle with his record label, Universal Music Group (UMG), over his music ownership rights.

This ongoing dispute led West to hire a new attorney, Ekwan Rhow, to represent him in this high-profile case. In this article, we will look closely at who Ekwan Rhow is and what he brings to the table as Kanye West’s attorney. Ekwan Attorney For Kanye West.

Who is Ekwan Rhow?

Ekwan Rhow is a seasoned attorney with over 20 years of experience handling complex litigation cases. He is a partner at Bird Marella, a leading law firm based in Los Angeles.

How did Ekwan Rhow become Kanye West’s attorney?

In 2020, Kanye West took to Twitter to express his frustration with his record label, UMG, for not allowing him to own his music masters.

West shared his contract with UMG on social media and claimed that he would not release any new music until he was released. In response, UMG filed a lawsuit against West’s company, Yeezy Apparel LLC, for breach of contract.

Shortly after this, Kanye West hired Ekwan Rhow to represent him in the lawsuit against UMG. Rhow has since been leading West’s legal team in the ongoing dispute.

What is the status of Kanye West’s legal battle with UMG?

As of March 2023, the legal battle between Kanye West and UMG is ongoing. Both parties have filed several motions and counter-motions, and the case is expected to go to trial later this year.

What is Ekwan Rhow’s role in Kanye West’s legal battle?

As Kanye West’s attorney, Ekwan Rhow represents West’s interests in his legal battle with UMG. Rhow’s intellectual property and entertainment law expertise has been critical in navigating the complex legal issues surrounding music ownership rights.

What sets Ekwan Rhow apart as an attorney?

Ekwan Rhow’s extensive experience handling high-stakes litigation cases makes him ideal for representing Kanye West in his legal battle.

Rhow’s expertise in intellectual property and entertainment law, strategic thinking, and attention to detail set him apart as an exceptional attorney.

What are some of Ekwan Rhow’s notable cases?

In addition to representing Kanye West, Ekwan Rhow has been involved in several other high-profile cases throughout his career.

One notable case includes representing a former executive at Toyota in a federal corruption investigation. Rhow successfully negotiated a plea deal that resulted in no jail time for his client.

How does Ekwan Rhow’s representation of Kanye West impact the music industry?

Kanye West’s legal battle with UMG has brought attention to the issue of music ownership rights in the industry. Rhow’s representation of the West, in this case, can set a precedent for how these types of disputes are handled in the future.

What does the future hold for Ekwan Rhow and Kanye West’s legal battle?

The legal battle between Kanye West and UMG is ongoing, and it is unclear how the case will be resolved. However, with Ekwan Rhow leading West’s legal team, there is no doubt that he will continue to fight for his client’s rights in the music industry.

What is the significance of Kanye West’s legal battle with the music industry?

Kanye West’s legal battle with UMG has highlighted the importance of music ownership rights for artists.

The case has also shed light on the complex and often unfair contracts artists sign with record labels. As more artists become aware of their rights, the industry may shift towards more equitable deals for artists.

How has Kanye West’s legal battle impacted his music career?

Kanye West’s legal battle with UMG has paused his music career, as he has refused to release any new music until his ownership rights are resolved.

However, the case has also generated publicity for West and has sparked conversations about music ownership rights in the industry.

What can we learn from Ekwan Rhow’s representation of Kanye West?

Ekwan Rhow’s representation of Kanye West in his legal battle with UMG provides several valuable lessons for attorneys and clients.

Rhow’s strategic thinking, attention to detail, and expertise in entertainment law and intellectual property have been critical in navigating the complex legal issues surrounding music ownership rights.

Additionally, his commitment to fighting for his client’s rights reminds attorneys to always prioritize their clients’ interests.


Who is Ekwan Rhow?

Ekwan Rhow is a seasoned attorney with over 20 years of experience handling complex litigation cases. He is a partner at Bird Marella, a leading law firm based in Los Angeles.

How did Ekwan Rhow become Kanye West’s attorney?

Kanye West hired Ekwan Rhow in his legal battle with Universal Music Group over music ownership rights.

What is the status of Kanye West’s legal battle with UMG?

As of March 2023, the legal battle between Kanye West and UMG is ongoing.

How does Ekwan Rhow’s representation of Kanye West impact the music industry?

Rhow’s representation of Kanye West in his legal battle with UMG has brought attention to the issue of music ownership rights in the industry.

What can we learn from Ekwan Rhow’s representation of Kanye West?

Rhow’s strategic thinking, attention to detail, entertainment law, and intellectual property expertise provides valuable lessons for attorneys and clients.


Ekwan Rhow’s representation of Kanye West in his legal battle with Universal Music Group has brought attention to the issue of music ownership rights in the industry.

Rhow’s extensive experience in high-stakes litigation and his entertainment law and intellectual property expertise make him an exceptional attorney for this high-profile case.

As the legal battle between Kanye West and UMG continues, Rhow’s strategic thinking and attention to detail will be critical in navigating complex legal issues.